Songs of Solitude
Artist: Jeff Coffin
Release Date: April 23, 2020
Catalog Number: EUR0431
01. (stillness)
Jeff Coffin – soprano sax, cymbal
Viktor Krauss – acoustic bass
02. (quiet)
Jeff Coffin – soprano sax, tuned glass bottles
Viktor Krauss – acoustic bass
Ryoko Suzuki – harmonium
03. (solitude)
Jeff Coffin – soprano sax, bass flute, tenor sax
Viktor Krauss – acoustic bass
Jordan Perlson – hadjira
Birds – bird sounds
All compositions by Jeff Coffin © 2020
Recorded @ iTA Studios, Nashville TN
Engineered by Jeff Coffin
Mixed by Dave Sinko
Mastered by Jim DeMain @ Yes Mastering
Additional Recording
Viktor Krauss @ Brechstangen Studios
Jordan Perlson @ Saw Room Recording
“‘Songs of Solitude’ is an oasis of space. The story told is that the desert is not desolate at all. It’s full of Life and you listening.”
songs of solitude
a flower blooms
a tree grows toward the sky
a bird sings their song
a blade of grass grow underfoot
a cloud comes and goes as it pleases
the water flows
the butterfly spreads their art on the breeze
a grape grows into luscious fruit
the bee gathers
the wind reminds us of change
the seasons come and go
the sun shines her light
the moon waxes and wanes
and we breathe in and out until we don’t
all these things and more, in their own beautiful simple mystery
are they not all ‘songs of solitude’?
With the worldwide shutdown of gigs, touring, teaching, businesses, and the mandated isolation, making music is one of the ways I have personally dealt with it. It feels like we have had our collective reset buttons pushed and it’s given me time to pause where there was previously very little time to pause. It has also given me time to self-reflect during an interesting, and quite disturbing, time in the world. This is some of the music that has made its way out during this period.
I’m grateful for these long moments of introspection and reflection and for the opportunity to find creative ways to be creative with people from afar. And, moving forward in the midst of all the unknown and upheaval, I find myself asking ‘how do we want our collective light to shine’?
My deepest thanks to everyone involved.